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Willingdon Primary School

Curriculum Overview

At Willingdon Primary, we follow the National Curriculum. Schools are free to plan how the National Curriculum fits with their particular strengths and introduce other activities that extend the learning experience for their pupils. The National Curriculum sets out the most important knowledge and skills that every child has a right to learn. 

As part of the National Curriculum, the children in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two are taught compulsory subjects including: English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology, Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, PE and French.

All schools also have to teach RE, though parents have the right to withdraw children for all or part of the RE curriculum. In addition, we teach Personal, Social and Health Education.

In regards to the wider curriculum, we have modelled our curriculum on Jonathan Lear's Discover, Explore and Create curriculum model. This is the best fit for our children at Willingdon because it is a project-based approach with the main focus being History in Terms 1 & 2, Geography in Terms 3 & 4 and the Arts (Music/Art) in Terms 5 & 6.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our Core Values:

We have created a bespoke curriculum, logically sequenced by our expert subject leaders to build on knowledge to enable our children to remember more over time. Cognitive science and EEF research informs our subject leaders about how children learn effectively (Rosenshine's Principles in Action).

The curriculum has been designed with accessibility for all pupils in mind with appropriate support and challenge. This allows our pupils to achieve their very best, no matter their starting point. This curriculum is regularly monitored, with outcomes and pupil voice being at the heart of any curriculum adjustments.