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Willingdon Primary School


At Willingdon we intend to provide all children with the knowledge to be able to communicate effectively and concisely through writing, and understand others writing.

english writing policy updated july 2023.pdf


We teach writing through a combination of Pie Corbett's Talk 4 Writing approach and writing for purpose.

Children are given opportunities to write fiction, non-fiction and poetry every term. Quality texts are used as the model text, and the children learn from authors how to develop their writing. We ensure the children have a purpose to their writing and understand who their audience is.

See what your child will be writing in the writing Knowledge Organiser for this term.


We teach handwriting progressively throughout the school. We use Letterjoin to support our handwriting teaching.

In EYFS children are taught how to strengthen their fine motor skills and hold a writing implement correctly. They will be provided with opportunities to form letters correctly.

Year 1 children are taught cursive handwriting. They begin to form letters using lead in and lead outs. They are taught in letter families beginning with long ladder letters.

Year 2 the children are taught to join and write with relative size letters and finger spaces.

Year 3 – 6 stamina and fluency of writing is taught. Handwriting lessons help to strengthen stamina and ensure letter formation is accurate.

Year 5 and 6 children begin to write with pen and start to develop their own style of handwriting.

Handwriting Position