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Willingdon Primary School

Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

'Learning together, Learning for Life'

At Willingdon Primary School we:

  • Develop creative life-long learners and thinkers​
  • Promote confidence, independence and resilience
  • Are kind, caring, compassionate and inclusive
  • Deliver a rich, creative and inspirational curriculum
  • Provide a high quality environment for teaching and learning inside and out
  • Involve parents, carers, families and the wider community in our children's learning
  • Have high aspirations and support everyone to be motivated achievers

Our School Values

As a pupil at Willingdon Primary I will:

  • Be Responsible - I take responsibility for my choices and decisions
  • Be Reflective - I learn from my mistakes and reflect on my progress
  • Take Care - I take care of myself. I am confident and independent
  • Challenge Myself - I do my best, work hard and I am resilient
  • Imagine - I can adapt. I am a creative thinker and love to learn new things
  • Be Kind and Respectful - I am kind and respectful towards others

Each week, a child from each class will be chosen, who has tried really hard to put the school values into action. This will be celebrated in class and these children will come home with a certificate to show what they have achieved.