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Willingdon Primary School


Personal, Social, Health Education & Relationships and Sex Education


At Willingdon Primary School, we teach PSHE using the Jigsaw Scheme of work. This is a whole school approach to PSHE, which is a spiral curriculum. The whole school learns and explores within 6 themes, one theme each term: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. The Relationships and Changing Me theme in Terms 5 and 6 covers the statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex education, but there are links within all the themes.

Through regular PSHE lessons, the children are given the space to be mindful and reflect upon their own thoughts and opinions, to listen to the ideas of others and to challenge any prejudices, stereotypes or negative ideas. The lessons are an opportunity to discuss, think deeply and develop their own personal views. They also support our Online Safety curriculum to teach our children how to keep themselves safe in a digital world.

pshe curriculum overview.pdf

pshe progression map.pdf


pshe jigsaw policy june 2022.pdf

 Knowledge Organisers for Term 1/2 2023-2024