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Willingdon Primary School

Deputy Headteacher

 Willingdon Primary School is looking for an exceptional Deputy Headteacher to join the Leadership Team from September 2025.

Willingdon Primary School is a fantastic school, committed to getting the best from all staff and gaining excellent outcomes for all children. We have a proven track record of developing our staff and working in a collaborative way within the school and in partnership with other schools.

We need a passionate Deputy Headteacher to support the Headteacher and SLT to drive standards.

The successful candidate will deliver an exciting first-class learning experience for all our pupils. The post carries specific responsibility for Teaching and Learning (Curriculum and Subject Leadership), together with a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead responsibility. Although there is no regular class teaching commitment, the post holder will be expected to provide cover for lessons as required, including cover for other Leaders and to deliver interventions, where needed.

This is an outstanding opportunity for someone with the senior leadership skills and ambition to work within a flourishing school. Experience within a similar, dynamic Senior Leadership team is essential for this post.

 The closing date for applications is at noon on Monday 31st March and interviews will take place after the Easter holidays.